Lake Naivasha derived its name from Naipasha meaning rough waters, which the British later misspelled as Naivasha. Lake Naivasha lies northwest of Nairobi, just outside the town of the same name. Located in Nakuru County, the park is part of Kenya’s Rift Valley, region known for picturesque lakes and landscape. The distance between Nairobi and Naivasha is 90 km which takes 2hrs 30mins drive. The lake is 200km². It is 15m deep and its inlets are River Malewa and Gilgil. It has an underground seepage and that is why it is not alkaline.
Accessibility: Road access to Lake Naivasha National Park from Nairobi can be by use of a privately owned vehicle or public transport to Naivasha town and eventually to Lake Naivasha National Park
Activities that one can engage in Lake Naivasha include mountain hiking, boat rides and bird watching.
Conservation Efforts
There are conservation efforts in the park to focus on protecting its unique ecosystems, particularly the lake and its surrounding wetlands. Initiatives include habitat restoration, management of invasive species, and sustainable fishing practices to maintain the health of the lake’s resources. Community engagement is crucial, with programs aimed at involving local residents in conservation activities and promoting eco-tourism as an alternative livelihood. Additionally, education and awareness campaigns help highlight the importance of preserving this critical environment. Together, these efforts aim to ensure the long-term sustainability of Lake Naivasha and its ecosystems.
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